In response to current events, particularly as reported on today’s Broadcasting House:

I think you’ll find that Israel isn’t ‘at war’. How can you be at war with those Netanyahu has labelled ‘inhuman’? Not to be glib, but it’s like when the Cyberman said they were now at war with the Daleks, who replied ‘THIS IS NOT WAR! THIS IS PEST CONTROL! It’s oh so convenient to start according people you’ve treated like the dirt beneath your shoes intelligent, sentient status, just so you can ‘fight’ them with all the weapons at your disposal, but it’s still Zionist bullshit.

And whenever the timing, 50 years after Yom Kippur, gets mentioned, it’s like that’s some weird coincidence, and entirely unpredictable that anyone could pick yesterday to launch an attack against the apartheid state. I’ll never defend brutality and murder, or anything that’s been reported by our honest media, but like many, I can understand what prompted it, and maybe even wonder who really gains from letting it happen, when they should have anticipated it?

Also, every time we look at the news, hundred, even thousands of people are being killed in ‘natural’disasters, which are exacerbated by our inability to predict them, and the consequences of bad/shortsighted/greedy management we ignore until it’s too late. Look at Derna in Libya. I put the lion’s share of responsibility for ‘indiscriminate’ slaughter, on Palestinian and Israelis alike, on Israel’s government, but could not everyone spare more time looking at the world around them, and realise how foolish these vendettas look while that death toll mounts?

Whatever religious zealots, on either side think, of who was where first, and who has the ‘right’ to the land, climate change impacts on everyone (though not those who contrive to be in control, and out of the ghettos, so much). If humanity had focused on greening deserts, for everyone, would the rains in Libya have been so fatal? I think our ‘leaders’ have a lot of growing up to do.