After seeing that one commenter’s name, ‘Casinoboy’ is partially obscured because it contains the word ‘nob’, I’ve finally decided to start compiling a comprehensive list of words that fall foul, sometimes hilariously, of the word filter. If anyone has encountered ‘bad’ words that I’ve not, the more incongruous the better, they’re welcome to post them to me, and I’ll add them as well…

Scum (due to the ‘cum’)
Taffs (due to the ‘ffs’)
Whore is, I’m pretty sure, infra dig, despite ‘attention whore’ being part of the internet jargon.

And we must not forget ‘paedo’, although it’s practically Ian Mean’s favourite word.

So, anyone else want to get the **** rolling?

There is a ‘Big Issue’ piece in this week’s Citizen, relating to Barton & Tredworth, entitled There is no such thing as Islamic terrorism.

In the article, members of a local mosque offer to dispell ‘misconceptions’ about Islam in a single day session or over a few days, and the piece cites several ‘sterotypes’.

The main theme of the piece, as exemplified by the title, though, seems to me like a straw man. Saajid Badat notwithstanding, in the twenty plus years I have lived in Barton, violent Islamic extremism has not been the problem, but rather a creeping assimilation of property and resources, what some would call ‘Islamification’, of the ward, coupled with poor or non-existent interaction with the ‘indigenous’ community. Local people are a lot more bothered, for example, with the traffic disruption caused by the ‘Islamic school’ on Stratton Road, when they were assured a decade ago that the building would be a community centre for everyone, and not a place where parents would clog up the road with their cars, not just in the morning and afternoon, but evenings and weekends as well.

The Working Man’s club on Barton Street is now the Friendship CafĂ©, dedicated to the benefit of (Sunni) Muslims. At least three properties on Charles Street have been bought up so that an Islamic centre, with parking, can be built at the back. The Barton & Tredworth Community Trust runs a madressah. It’s trying to sell the premises, due to financial mismanagement, but there’s little danger that a new venue won’t be found for the madressah if the new owners don’t want to share the building.

If the volunteers really want to reassure the community, they might wish to give their assurances that the BBC report about abuse in Islamic schools has no bearing on Gloucester. Islamic terrorism really is as much of a ‘Big Issue’ here as ‘bonkers boundaries’.

Sometimes, I wonder if TiG aren’t just taking the piss because they know they’re going out of business…

School children are first in county to have hives

Update: You. Couldn’t. Make. It. Up.

gggg fdf sdf sdfsdf

Just dashing off this entry because, once again, the local paper has decided that its readers can’t be trusted to discuss the subject of drugs, and has published another article about a drug raid without permitting comments.

I’m guessing this is due to the fact that when they have allowed comments, readers, including myself, have questioned the police’s priorities, in chasing people over a drug which is less harmful, medically and socially, than alcohol. When are TiG going to entertain a sensible discussion about drug laws?